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  2. How Orita Works

How do I make the most out of Orita?

By joining us and letting us do our thing (read: optimize your email lists and make sure you're not emailing anyone who doesn't want to hear from you), you're already making really huge moves in the right direction.

A lot of what we do happens in the background and there is no work or input from you necessary to make sure it's done well and done right. That being said, we offer a way to step up using the work that we're doing to your advantage. 

Enter: orita_status profile properties. 

All profiles we touch will be tagged with a profile property called orita_status.

The orita_status property will be updated with one of the following statuses:

  1. suppressed (profile was suppressed by Orita)
  2. reactivated (profile was reactivated by Orita)
  3. nonhuman (profile is thought to be junk/spam)
  4. duplicate (profile is thought to be a duplicate account)
  5. holdout (profile is in a holdout group and therefore will not be touched)
  6. null (profile that we have not touched yet)

You can create a segment in Klaviyo for each orita_status property, by leveraging the status option. This will allow you to understand what we are doing week-over-week, and also dictate what to do with certain profiles as they re-engage and get reactivated.

Additionally, some brands use our reactivation status to build flows/segments in addition to what they already have. Think of it as another signal of engagement just like what you get from RevenueRoll, Elevar, BlackCrow, etc.

It's important to remember that when monitoring and managing profiles in your account, we are not moving them in and out of segments or making any changes necessarily to how your emailing instances are set up.

Orita’s recommendations are temporary and do not change the consent status of the profile. When a profile is reactivated, it will simply enter any existing segment or flow logic you have set up where it meets the criteria.